Placid Plastic Duck simulator, Is a Simulator game, where you watch plastic ducks float in a pool, the only controls in the game are the camera controls, and to turn the music on/off.
Despite all that Placid Plastic Duck simulator is still an interesting game.
The games main mechanic is the Duck meter, every few minutes the Duck meter will fill up, Causing a new duck to spawn, you will unlock different types of ducks, A lot of which have special mechanics, Like a duck with a propeller hat, Which can Fly, Although it never stays for long as it usually flies into the ocean, and just leaves. But the real catch is All the interactions different ducks can have, with each other, and the world, There a lot, for example, a Dragon duck which breathes fire can set a paper duck on fire, or a duck with a flower pot on it's head will grow a flower after it rains.
The Atmosphere In Placid Plastic Duck Simulator, Is very weird, It's very uncanny. You are on a building in the middle of ocean, just watching ducks, with a radio which leaves weird cryptic messages, and there is a weird vault door behind the pool, All of these make the game feel really creepy, Or like something is wrong, I highly doubt there is more than that. But it is still weird, but the game is Also very calming, And is a perfect stress relief game.
Placid Plastic Duck simulator is a very simple calming game, but With this means is that it practically has no major flaws, The biggest Issues with this game are minor Visual bugs which is a really good place to be!
I give Placid Plastic Duck simulator 10 placid plastic ducks out of 10 !
-Sam Randolph is a Junior at Poudre High School and in her first year at the Poudre Press.
